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Software Defined Networking, Data Centre and Infrastructure 21st September By Greg Ferro Filed Under: Blog Putty is is a great piece of software. Not many people seems to realise that Putty is highly customisable and has a number of features that will improve your working environment. By default Putty only keeps the last lines of text displayed on your screen in the scrollback buffer. Typically I would set the default to be lines. And since most screens allows more than 25 rows, Coolterm tutorial eye would increase the Window Rows to forty. If you change the Windows Rows to forty, then you should also change coolterm tutorial eye device terminal settings to use forty lines as well. See IOS — Setting the Terminal Windows Length for a good-ish description of this. Note that every Putty session will allocate a block of memory sufficient to hold those lines in a buffer. Making it too large may impact your computer by reducing the amount of memory available. The choice to use Antialiased or aliased fonts is a bit complicated, but its a serious decision affecting how easy on the eyes ad how quickly you can read the screen. Less reading errors results in better work performance. With that many windows you need a way to tell them apart, thus, some names on the box would be useful in identifying. For example, when logging at high speed or pasting large configurations to your coolterm tutorial eye there are many other criteria that affect this, but this is one of them. Since TCP packets coolterm tutorial eye a 40 byte header 20 bytes for TCP, 20 bytes for IPv4this results in coolterm tutorial eye 41 byte packet for 1 byte of useful information, a huge overhead. This situation often occurs in Telnet sessions, where most keypresses generate a single byte of data which is transmitted immediately. Worse, coolterm tutorial eye slow links, many such packets can be in transit at the same time, potentially leading to congestion collapse. Keepalives are most useful when running terminal sessions through firewalls. Once the session times out you will need to reconnect and go through the login procedure again.

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